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Photo of Ana Luisa Muñoz Flores Chile

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Bicentennial Aurora Borealis (Literary Magazine, September 2010)


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35.43 x 27.56 in
Net Art/Digital Art
35.43 x 27.56 in
35.43 x 27.56 in
Net Art/Digital Art
35.43 x 27.56 in
35.43 x 27.56 in
5.91 x 1.97 in
4.72 x 2.76 in
9.84 x 1.97 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
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Bicentennial Aurora Borealis (Literary Magazine, September 2010)


Art Teacher


In the winter of 1958, rocked by the month of the goddess Juno, the top to the south side of Santiago Muñoz Ana Luisa Flores born under the auspices of certain constellations, numbers, unequivocal, or astrological charts that do not play makers roles in his life, Anna studied at the Liceo N º 8 girls from San Miguel (before the doctrine of "The Prince" torn this community for best submission.) Doffing his childhood and the body of a young woman admitted to the University of Chile in 1981, the Faculty of Education. In the belly of these dark days, Ana is structuring your thinking, provides, solidarity and weapon in the solitude of its plastic cocoon. Graduate and inserts in daily and in 1995, gets a double merit in the competition LT Std 55 Roman, font-size: small; ">" The woman looks to grow without limits "

of PRODEMU. Then his expression wanders neighbor routine, the kite flutters in September, ranging from teen love to the powerful mother alone. Exhibits at community samples, conducts workshops and since his stroke 2oo7 gets bigger wall to participate in prevention, gender or historical in different districts of the country or in Cochabamba, Bolivia in 2009. LT Std 35 Light, Avenir LT Std 35 Light, font-size: small; ">

It is not by chance that their work will mutate from the color to the letters, get greater clarity and transit in the concern today for children, youth anxiety and engage in dialogue back and forth in this ocean of words, the virtual image and the brush, complementing its office visual artist as a writer.

JLT (Jose Luis Toledo Bravo, visual artist)

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Red Grinor, essayist, Ph.D. says in the foreword of the book "Threshold": Anita Muñoz privileges gender relations, and has every reason to do so. The social and economic imbalance we know, we know what causes it and what its dimensions and we have even managed to develop strategies and tactics to cope for a couple of centuries. Not always been the strategies and tactics such as efficient as we would have liked us, is another story, of course, a history of mishaps and political blunders deplorable I think at least once be remedied. Not the same thing happens with gender relations. His theorizing is more recent. The by sex, the book Simone de Beauvoir in the field of feminism is equated with Marx's Capital in social relations, is serving sixty years, appeared only in 1949. Then there was another, yes, but still a long way to go about it, many uncertainties to be discovered, many battles to win. The same is true in the ecological environment. I will say that the good of San Francisco is ahead of us in this matter. And it's true, but it is equally true that neither in their worst nightmares the good saint de Assis dreamed something like what we now is happening. The depredations of the ecosystem now occurring in a few minutes would have taken years to occur in a past that is fed up with far less than is commonly thought. It is equally pernicious exploit the worker oppress women or to install hydropower plants destroy the ecosystem. If we perceive that, if we have enough insight to realize that such actions we are committing suicide, she is confident that we can give back.

That is because the concerns of Ana Luisa Muñoz at your doorstep. In order to make them accessible to the general public (Although I tend to suspect that to make them accessible to young people especially), she wrote the book the reader is now in his hands and produced the impressive images that illustrate it. But not only that. It is also detectable in his work a proposal. Above I wrote that book in the Anita was staying with a sharp knife bad and good. The bad is that everything that Anita complaint and I think it has become clear at this point clearly enough. As for good, following here a philosophical perspective that the author puts you in contact with people as honorable as the liberation theologian Leonardo Boff (Himself a faithful disciple of Francis of Assisi) and the Chilean scientist Humberto Maturana, what she is proposing is a return to the theory of cosmic harmony.

I hope that Anita has also this right. (12-11-09)

Says Fernando Allende, Chilean writer and painter, a pupil of Eduardo Martínez Bonati, Eduardo Garreaud, Luis Advis and Adolfo Couve:


text-indent: 49.65pt; margin: 0in-21.3pt 14.25pt 0pt ";" align = "left"> To view pictures of Anita for his book "THRESHOLD", the first thing was to coincide with the written proposal, which which gives a unity between text and image.

Their images are plastically development of light-dark plastic element of expression. In some paintings more dramatic as "High Walls" "The Power and Difference", "Exit", "Umbria" and others agree with the artistic vision of Romanticism.

However, another series of images, which appears women as presence becomes more sensual, less dramatic, is a strong connection with the feminine.

And when children appear, is becoming softer, gentler, more pastel colors. But what I find most interesting are the cosmic paintings as "Kiss star." There is a more universal search, forcing resources Photoshop to find a new plastic identity. "(10/01/1907)

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